Tuesday 30 September 2014

research and planning:social media feedback on masthead

The bottom masthead is the most chosen one because it is 'eye catching' therefore I will use the bottom masthead for the music magazine.

Monday 29 September 2014

research and planning: music magazine masthead

These are my masthead that I chose for my music rock magazine. The fonts on these mastheads are clean and edgy like would see in a real rock magazine. It is conventional to see simple and clean fonts on a masthead from a rock magazine and also the colours are simple. I did a simple masthead which looks quit plain, I might not used that because it doesn't standout, it's not eye catching for the target audience. The other two are because of the boarderline and the colour of the font.

Aisha likes the third one because it stands out from the rest of the mastheads.

Megan likes the third one because there's more colour contrast and the font amuses her.

Friday 26 September 2014

research and planning: rock music collage

These magazines have people of rock on the cover and the cover lines have different font and sizes and they are sharp looking to represent the edgy look. They are also placed either at the side of the magazine or at the bottom.
The mastheads are clean looking and most of them are in caps lock, so I would have to have my masthead similar to these. And also the mastheads are simple colours but mostly red and black.

Monday 22 September 2014

research and planning: music magazine analysis

This magazine genre is rock, you can tell this by the people of chose on the cover, they are well-known in the music industry. The font of the masthead is smaller than the font of the story that says 'the beatles' in caps lock. This is to suggest that the beatles is bigger and well-known than the magazine brand themselves. And also the other story lines are smaller than the beatles story line, this makes the image stand out more and it is reflect in the target audience. The colour of the magazine follows a colour theme: black, red, white and grey. This magazine stories are about the people who are on the cover and also other similar artists, this is to aim their magazine at a specific target audience. The location of the picture is in America, this links to the magazine storyline.

This magazine genre is also rock, you can also tell this by the people of choice on the cover, he is well-known. The masthead is different from the rolling stone magazine because the masthead is in the top corner and it is the only one with a red background. It follows the three colour code this tells the magazine is conventional to other rock magazine. The image is always in the middle this is another conventional code. They do this because that is the first thing the target audience looks at. The story lines have rock and other artists from similar genre, this is to get different target market to buy the magazine. There is a colour code of black, white and red which another code convention followed by this magazine and the layout has more stories than the Beatles magazine cover because this one has no background, making it look professional.

Friday 19 September 2014

research and planning: magazine evaluation

The font size-
The font size on the magazine cover and content is different. This is to make the cover lines stand out from the others and the content page numbers are big to make it stand out from the words but there isn't much difference. you can tell the difference between the heading and the cover line and this makes it look professional.

Three colour rule-
This college magazine does follow the three colour rule only in the content but not the cover page. This is because the colours look familiar to the student if I was to add all of the colours of the college logo. I would criticize the fact the front cover doesn't follow the three colour rule theme because it doesn't look professional.

Can you tell that the cover and content are from the same magazine?
Yes you can because the image and colour synergies between the cover and content and this follows the codes and convention of a magazine this makes it look professional.

Are the photos appropriate for the magazine?
Yes they are because the image of the girl is a student and the background is front/entrance of the college, the image is conventional to the college magazine. And you can also see the images properly and it's just right because I don't think there is any error.

Are there enough cover-lines in the cover and content page?
There are enough cover lines/stories in the magazine cover and they are appropriate for the magazine because the cover-lines are college related. There isn't enough cover-lines/stories in the content because there is a gap below the picture and the cover-lines does relate to the cover line in front of the magazine.

research and planning: final cover and content

This is my finished college magazine.

Thursday 18 September 2014

research and planning: magazine draft

This is my first draft of my college magazine, there are a lot of things left to such as more cover lines and add a barcode so it looks like a real professional magazine. Then I will do my content in indesign.

research and planning: medium close up picture for the college magazine

This is the picture i am going to use for my college magazine.

research and planning: background of the college magazine

These are the background i am going to use for the college magazine.

Monday 15 September 2014

research and planning: props and costume

Props and costume

Location of the female student will be at the entrance of the college.
She will be wearing suitable costume to make her look as if she’s a real student.

She will be carrying a study book to show that it’s conventional to the college. And she will be also wearing a student ID badge to highlight she is a student at this college.

research and planning:masthead

These are the mastheads I was told to make suiting the type of what magazine it would come from. DeathMetal is a rock masthead title, so I chose a text type that suited the title and made it a dark colour. It's in caps lock to suggest it's loud and bold music. For the Pop World masthead, I chose something different because of the word 'pop'. So I chose a text type that would stand out and a colour. Popcorn is a film masthead, so it would be expected to be a bit more subtle. The 'pop' word is in caps lock and the 'corn' word isn't, this is to give and effect of the actual popcorn effect.

research and planning: draft of cover and content

These are my cover and content draft of how i am going to position everything briefly.

Friday 12 September 2014

research and planning: target audience question interview


1. What do you look for in a college magazine?
2. What cover-line do you would you be interested in?
3. What colour theme do you want on the college magazine?
4. What image do you want to see on the cover of the college magazine? And what props would you have the model wear or carry?
5. What title would you like on the college magazine masthead?

What my target audience have said for question 1 is that they look for the picture first and the masthead because that is the first thing they look for in any magazine. What my target audience want to see in the cover lines is interesting things about college life, more details about the subject everyone is taking and also exam tips. The colour theme

research and planning: medium close up shots

I know that for my magazine, I need a medium close up like these pictures. My pictures should look like this, to achieve that i will be using photoshop.

Thursday 11 September 2014

research and planning: college magazine analysis

This college magazine has a masthead at the top of the magazine, this is so that the it will catch college students attention. The colour of the masthead suits the house style of the magazine and also the magazine is aimed at males. You can tell this by the people of chose on the front cover and the conventional colour (blue stereotypically attracts males).
The representation of this magazine is college boys party and socialise this doesn't really represent real life aspect of a general male college student, it is probably for those who are in to social and party life. you can tell this by the cover lines.
The cover line have a sneak peak of what is in the magazine this will inform the reader/buyer what the magazine is about. The house style of this whole magazine is is dark blue and gold this might appeal to college students because of the connotation of the colour e.g.blue could mean masculinity and gold luxury.

research and planning: college magazine analysis

This is a college magazine I analysed. This magazine has all the codes and convention of a real magazine such as the masthead, cover line and a big image of a college student. The house style is simple, using simple colours.

Monday 8 September 2014

research and planning:indesign tutorial

To make this indesign review, I had to save a review from the internet and save it on word. Then open up indesign and put gutters on the page to help layout the text. Then I opened up files and clicked place to open up the review. The mouse had the text attached to it and i had to place it on one of the gutters. I inserted the picture by dragging and dropping it where I want the picture to be.

Friday 5 September 2014

research and planning:photoshop CD tutorial

I've learnt to crop out the CD using the right tools so that the whole CD gets cropped out. Dragged the CD into the background and made it a different colour to it's original colour. I also learnt how to crop out a difficult picture (the trumpet) and dragged it into the background where I put the CD. Changed the colour of the trumpet so that it looks brassy. In the box where you can see the layers, I made the notes visible and placed it where the sound comes out. Selected the background layer and clicked the filter,blur, waves to make the background notes different. And finally I added text.

research and planning:photoshop skin tutorial

To get this picture flawless what I did was remove the blemish the girl had by using the blemish tool. To get rid of the shine I changed the opacity of the picture to 45%. To add makeup on the girl, I used the paint brush and the colour wheel to choose different varieties of colour . To get that soft blush I also changed the opacity of the brush and the size.