Thursday 11 September 2014

research and planning: college magazine analysis

This college magazine has a masthead at the top of the magazine, this is so that the it will catch college students attention. The colour of the masthead suits the house style of the magazine and also the magazine is aimed at males. You can tell this by the people of chose on the front cover and the conventional colour (blue stereotypically attracts males).
The representation of this magazine is college boys party and socialise this doesn't really represent real life aspect of a general male college student, it is probably for those who are in to social and party life. you can tell this by the cover lines.
The cover line have a sneak peak of what is in the magazine this will inform the reader/buyer what the magazine is about. The house style of this whole magazine is is dark blue and gold this might appeal to college students because of the connotation of the colour could mean masculinity and gold luxury.

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