Thursday 30 April 2015

Evaluation 7

As you can see, my skill on production has drastically changed, through the processes of progression on my product. It has developed over the time period given to make my magazine and the advantages uses different technology to present my magazine. Primarily using Photoshop, it has allowed my images to have special light effects and remove unwanted parts of the images. I haven't used any other types of technology to take my photo but only the SLR camera because it gives the photo the authenticity to able to add brush effects and other effects that has made the appearance of the raw photo used in my magazine. The first magazine I made lacked conventional structure to a real college magazine such as the slogans and more conent pages issues. I liked the image of front of the college and student I chose for the magazine because in some way it does apply to the convention like the location of the picture highlights what type of magazine genre is. I feel that the magazine needed more work to be done on it, to improve the appearance of the magazine. My rock magazine is a greate piece of work compared to my college magazine, there is a great transition on the appearance of the magazine and it follows the code and convention of the genre. I show a clear understanding of the layout, font, color scheme of my genre compared to my previous task. The layout of the final piece follows the basic and new idea of a layout i.e medium shot photo and a storyline on top of the masthead. However, I feel like that I could have done a unconvention twist to the magazine. The color scheme follows the three color rule in my magzine strictly but not in my front cover because there is a hit of another color. This makes it slightly unconventional like some other rock magazine and more attractive to the target audience. I feel the skills and knowledge of Photoshop improved from the begining and the different software and interweb softwares to help achieve on creating products like my magazine. From my first task, I have become fimilar to all the main software that it vital to use for my main production of my magazine, for example the colour scheme, photo shot and lay out; helping me finalise my product. Another example of improvement would be the types of shots used, has given and indepth insight into what the model should wear, the facial express and body posture. I had to move from the software that provided some range of fonts however non that suited the genre, so I had to download some from a specialist font website with the most choice of fonts. Both magazine masthead show a understanding on types of font used for those genre but also shows a understanding on two different genre e.g. the first task follows the pop convention and my final piece follows the rock convention.

In my content page, both the content differ a lot because of the different photo, colour and genre. The similarity they share is that the tilte is placed on top of the page and the layout are similar too because they have all the content numbers on the same side with a big main image uncropted. However, the first magazine isn't constructed in a conventional way becuase the colums are different sizes and photo is placed in a random place. The font sizes are too big which distracts the reader from the everything else in the page. The final piece has the title seperated from the content information and they are different font size to make the difference because it is conventional to all magazine genre. The content page has more page reference highlighting that there are more pages to the magazine whereas in the college magzine there is only six page reference. The image is another way of page referencing with a number aside it whereas the previous magazine just is a image not referencing to a page in the magazine. I would agree that the idea of using a image to reference to a page has help to make the content look more appealing. The colour scheme in the college magazine is too broad and vibrant which gives no professtional appearence to the it. The final piece has a more scheme to it because the color synergies with rest of the magazine which follows the codes and convention of all magazine and looks much more professtional because it's a continous color scheme and predictable. I feel the improvement I have made is recognisable due to it's professtional appearance and the skills I have learnt shows through the magazine. My key area of improvement would be to add more images with a different model to use as a page reference. But I have learnt the way of layout, folow the strict colour scheme to suit the genre of my magazine. The SLR camera allowed me to capture the raw photo so that it can be edited and cropped to make it similar to the inspirational magazine. I have leant how postures and facial expression can be identified with a specific genre and that props can also exaggerate the type of genre it is associated with.

Evaluation 6

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Monday 23 March 2015

Evaluation 5

Evaluation 4

Gender: male
Name: Jeff Foeman
Occupation: college student

Film: God father
Show: Boardwalk Empire
Book: The stand by Stephen King
Music: Led Zeppelin and the stone roses
Song: waterfall, made of stone,
stairway to heaven
Genre: Rock
Social Media: Instagram/

Jeff likes to attend a lot of his favourite and bands gigs or concert and has a hobbies of watching films and playing on his guitar, jamming to his favourite rock music from any decade, mainly from the 60's to the late 90's rock and indie music.
Shopping on online shops for music, guitar equipment and merchandises like guitar picks is the most likely thing Jeff will shop for. He has a local HMV close to him which also sell music records he often goes to, to buy new albums released.
In most of spare time he reads magazines featuring his favourite band and listen to new bands recommended by the magazine. On social media Jeff keeps up to date with his favourite bands.

People like Jeff would be interested in buying my magazine because it will feature his favourite bands and new up coming bands, it will also have fun and interesting interviews about the bands members, review and concert dates.

make animated gifs like this at MakeAGif

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Evaluation 3

How I would distribute my magazine:

Evaluation 2

These screens shot of the front cover image is similar to image of Mick Jagger.

Similarities of both the screenshot:
- The shot type are both medium shot with a bit of background showing
- The model in my photo is crossing his arms which is the same as the photo of Mick and my model is leaning on the wall
- The costume Mick is wearing is his own band t-shirt and my model is wearing The Jam jumper which is representative of a rock magazine
- They both have the strong facial expression to show of a bit attitude which is associated with rock stars.

Different feature:

- There is no black and white effect on my photo because the colour used in it suits the magazine house style
- The posture of my model has a straight posture with the head not slouched to the side
- My model doesn't have a complete straight face, he has a slight smile which also shows a slight different attitude that is associated with rock stars
- My model isn't wearing leather because leather gives an edge look, instead he isn't wearing it.

Thursday 26 February 2015

Evaluation 1

research and planning: social media feedback on the magazine

The positive response has helped me pursue with my magazine because it appeals to my target audience. Those who commented are into the magazine genre which shows that I am in touch with the target audience. This means that my magazine will have a brand and will distribute very well.

research and planning: result of the finished magazine


Friday 13 February 2015

research and planning: double page spread progress

The feedback from my class mate to make the question a different colour from the answer, this is so that  the reader can tell the difference between the question and answer.

Friday 6 February 2015

research and planning: front cover progress

Changed the colour around in the text and made sure it was clear to see the text and on the 'Summer Contrast'. Before it was white which made it hard to see against the light grey and off white background.

research and planning: progress on content page

The change I have made isn't a dramatic change but I have added a off white retangle behind the content text, this is so that it is more clearer to read for the reader. 

Friday 30 January 2015

research and planning: double page spread progress

I have added the pull quote and next I will soften the images edge because it looks rough.

research and planning: double page spread progress

I have added all the text and red line to separate the sections of paragraphs this is so that the reader can read the section of text properly. Now it looks text heavy but I am going to leave it that way because it is conventional and put a pull quote in next to the image in red.

Tuesday 27 January 2015

research and planning: double page spread progress

I used Indesign to get the test to wrap around the image by copy and pasting the image and the text I want. I used the tool text wrap to get this look because it is conventional to the rock magazine.

 Photoshop doesn't allow text wrap efficently so I had to use Indesign to get the text to wrap around the image.
 You can't text wrap on raw image instead you make a shape so that it allows the text wrap.
I used the text box to get the text on the page and use the text wrap to wrap the text around the shape, then I saved the text which was text wrapped as image so I can put it on photoshop. 

Friday 23 January 2015

research and planning: double page spread progress

I have decided to use the text type 'Time' because it looks similar to the example double page spread text type, this makes it look conventional to the other rock magazine and professional. What I plan to do to this double page spread is have the text go around the image without overlapping with the image.

Thursday 22 January 2015

research and planning: double page spread progress

I used an example of a ready made double page spread to help me get and idea of what most rock magazines look like. The type of layout they use in magazines are simple and the text is neatly layer out to give the reader an idea of what target audience it's aimed at. Mainly the target audience is aimed at late adolescents. In conclusion from this I am going to do something similar to this.

Friday 16 January 2015

research and planning: double page spread interview

On a occasional visit to the Summer Contrasts gig, decides Mark Mayors particular moment to become the axe man and song writer for the lead signer Jordan Kirtain.
By Saafi Smith.
It's been a while since Mark Mayors was on the tour with the band. The last time Summer Contrast did the tour was since last year (2014) and now after their album released, 3 months later, they have started a new tour. This year tour involves fanatic music and unique combination of Marks guitar cord. However, Mark has compromised with the lyric writing as well as guitar playing. The album to hit the top ten best selling album of the year.

Were you aware that the gig was going to be something special and did you ever think that you would become the greatest guitarist of your generation?
I had no idea it would be special or any different in anyway that it involves me becoming a member of the band. It was one of those days were I would go to a gig and watch the bands preform. I did think to my self how would it feel to stand up on the stage and feel the experience. what bands experience on stage is breath taking and the enjoyment and the trill can't be compared to whatever you do in the daily basis. Now I am going through this experience of being a rock star and the greatest guitarist of my generation. this status alone makes it slightly hard for me to accept and imagine, I guess it is the passion that drove me here today in this position.

Did Jordan and Chris (bassist) give you any advice about you joining the band? And did they advice you on how to deal with the pressure?
The first time they all were extremely funny and tiring, I got along with them smoothly. The first thing Jordan said to me was ' Are you any good?' my reply was 'the best', he just gave this satisfying nod and we just got on with it. I think he was impressed with my level of confidence. Few days into joining the band, I discover all the members were sarcastic, especially Jordan. Their attitude toward the pressure is not what I expected because they were all laid back and relaxed, that created the calm atmosphere. I seemed to follow in their foot steps and it wasn't as hard as I thought it was. Chris did give me a good advice to deal with the whole rock star thing it was just to stay true to myself and continue to watch cartoons (laughs). Did that help in any way? Yes it did actually... things got a lot easier for me.

As soon as they heard how compatiable your guitar riffs were what were your reaction and their reaction?
I do remember the first time I preformed with the band, it was when they were doing their first tour. The gig was pretty small there were about 2,000 people there. I clearly remember the guitarist stormed out of the stage in front of the crowed, we were disappointed and shocked at that particular moment. Remember that I was in front of the stage and all of a sudden my hand shoots up, 'I could play better than him!' with all ignorance. Chris asked me to come on stage but I was hesitant but he insisted. He gave me the Reed's (guitarist) les paul and asked me if I knew the riff to a song and I replied 'yes' and played it well enough that I impressed them.
Any new or old songs going to be played in the tour?
 Well... I don't know maybe you should come to the tour.  I was joking I actually I do know, imagine if I didn't. There have been four songs removed, that were written by Jordan and  five new songs from the new album the band compromised in. Only because they are the most request by fans and the guitar solos are sky-scraping.

Any particular theme in your new album?
There isn't a particular theme to this album because it would be hard to come up with lyrics that suit that theme. You know writing lyrics is new for me, if I did try to make the lyrics a specific theme then it would be too difficult for me. But the guitar riffing isn't hard because I am specialised in that area of music. What did you do instead of have a theme to your album? we just recorded as soon as we came up with the basis parts of each song like the lyrics and the guitar riff, then the band will do their bit and we would get it mix and produced.

What has made you write lyrics in this album? And was it easy or did you have help from other members of the album?
Lee (drummer) insisted I should write songs because we didn't have enough songs for the album.We all participated. From that we've came up with seventeen songs and removed the ones that did sound fascinating like the rest. I think two of mine were removed only because they came from top of my head but the other four we're brilliant. It would be unrealistic if I was to say song writing is easy as soon as your sat down with a pen and a paper; you would have to be in certain mood to write. Also I can't help admiring Jordan's work it is very poetic and abstract, I couldn't write songs as good as his. I really admire his song writing.
What have you been doing for the past few months besides from preparing for the tour?
Before the tour I was in Paris with Allan Johnsons. He has a huge, beautiful mansion with a lot of art sculptures and painting he brought to decorate his mansion with. He invited me to stay over because he was hosting a grand party for all of his friends. I had to be there, I haven't seen him for months on end. Funny thing is I'm still recovering from the party (he laughs). Being those nights like the 70's night clubs. Playing music on full volume; just cool music playing all night. Few of the music playing that night I was inspired by; I am working on it at the moments for the next album. Also, I had a night out with few of my personal friends, I brought out a mix CD with me and played it in my new black range rover. We went to the studio, I rented out, tried to come up a guitar solo something similar to Jimi Hendrix. A note hit me and I came with the first demo for the current album the band is working on. All credit to Jimi Hendrix. Now I am going that get the royalties for it, it's just something that happens when your given the greatest guitarist title.
The song ' to the next block' made the charts, it came first. Did the band or you think it would be that popular?
Jordan and I came up with the lyrics and melody. The song was inspired by the stones a bit,  melodic wise. We would have been able to produce such good music without the experience and inspiration of music and artists that are there. Our producer agreed it is the best lyrically and melodic sound in the whole album, so we did have an instinct the song would make the charts but not first in the charts. 

research and planning: progress on content page